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Track Your Wins: Logging Entries

Entries are the building blocks of your progress. Each one represents a habit you’ve completed (or, let’s be honest, sometimes skipped!).

Adding an Entry

Logging an entry is super quick:

  1. Open the app and head to the “Entries” screen.
  2. Tap the ”+” button.
  3. Choose the category of the habit.
  4. Select the habit itself.

Modifying an Entry

Logged something at the wrong time or forgot to log it yesterday? No worries, you can edit entries:

  1. Go to the “Entries” screen.
  2. Long-press on the entry you want to change.
  3. Tap the clock icon to edit the time, or the calendar icon to edit the date.

Setting a different Time

  1. Tap the clock icon.
  2. Choose AM or PM.
  3. Use the wheels to select the hour and minutes.
  4. Hit “Save.”

Setting a different Date

  1. Tap the calendar icon
  2. Choose the correct date
  3. Hit “Save”

Deleting an Entry

Made a mistake? You can delete entries, but be careful!

  1. Go to the “Entries” screen.
  2. Long-press on the entry you want to remove
  3. Tap the trash icon

Now you’re ready to start tracking your habits and building that winning streak! Remember, every entry is a step towards a better you. Let’s go!